English language course

English is the language of science – without a good command of this global language, we can no longer succeed in the world of business. But serious companies are often short of time and it is difficult to train everyone at once. Or is it? Check out the intensive business English courses for companies organised by IBC Language School!

Business English Language Course

English language courses for companies – why choose the courses of IBC Language School?

In today’s globalised business environment, proficiency in English is an essential requirement. The corporate language trainings organised by IBC Language School enables your employees to acquire the necessary language skills quickly and efficiently, while offering your company not only a competitive advantage, but also a cost-effective and even VAT-free employee benefit option.

Courses are specifically tailored to the needs of your company. Flexible schedules, conversation-focused teaching and a continuous monitoring of progress guarantee that your employees gain confidence in communicating in the most widely used world language within a short time.

Intensive beginner English courses and advanced courses for fast and effective progress to the next level

Our beginner English courses are designed to ensure rapid development of participants through an intensive, practice-oriented approach. The classes focus on the language skills needed in everyday life and day-to-day business, enabling your employees to reach the next language level in a short time. But it is also possible to level up pre-existing language skills, based on specific needs.

Outsourced, conversation-focused corporate English courses with progress tracking

Our outsourced corporate language courses are delivered using proven methods, with a focus on speaking. Participants receive ongoing support and their progress is measured through regular tests to ensure continuous growth. This approach guarantees that your staff will succeed confidently in an international environment.

Cost-effective, VAT-free Business English course

Business English courses not only contribute to professional development, but also offer significant financial benefits for companies. The courses of IBC Language School can be reported as eligible costs exempt from VAT, so in addition to employees, the company can benefit from them as well. Thus, language training offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional cafeteria benefits.

Do you wish to improve your team’s foreign language skills?

Contact us for a consultation.

Business Language Course

What makes a good English course so important and useful at the corporate level?

High-quality, corporate-level English language courses therefore play a key role in maintaining your company’s competitiveness in the international arena. In the world of business, being confident in communicating in English is paramount, as this not only facilitates negotiations and cooperation with foreign partners, but also increases the prestige and credibility of the company in the global market. In addition, language skills development contributes to employee satisfaction and loyalty, as a quality, high-standard language course is an investment in the future, with long-term returns for both the company and its employees.

Employees and managers also benefit from learning English

The opportunity to learn English offers significant benefits for both employees and managers. Language skills also boost their self-confidence, reflected both in their daily work and in their ability to foster international relations. For managers, English language learning offers a chance to manage international projects more effectively, while for employees it can open up new career opportunities.

We should also bear in mind that language learning can also serve as a motivating force, increasing job satisfaction and reducing employee turnover. Employees feel that the company is investing in their growth, and they themselves save considerable amounts of money and free time by not having to take private English lessons. And of course, they can put the acquired knowledge to good use in their personal lives.

Online Language Course
Request a quote today!

If you want to support your staff and make your company more successful with high quality development of foreign language skills, contact us! We are looking forward to assisting you with tailor-made training paths and a team of 100 experienced business language teachers across the country.

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